Saturday, October 16, 2010

Easties :-)

Love this family. We met through the adoption community. They are such a sweet family!

a5 copy

a4 copy

a1 copy

a14 copy

a6brush copy

a10 copy

coffee2 copy

a12 copy

a11 copy

a13 copy

How cool is this? A train went by as we were taking pictures....
a7 copy

a2 copy

a3 copy


EmRodgers said...

Oh, my! Those coffee shop pics are the best! SO CUTE.

Anonymous said...

Tracie, we are so amazed at your creativity and we LOVE our pictures! The girls were so wild (typical 2 and 4 yr old craziness) but you still got great pics of them, which is amazing. Haha! Thank you thank you thank you!

(my new blog is but it won't link to blogger automatically for some reason)