Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jill and Tim... are MARRIED!

Jill and Tim got married yesterday at West Park Baptist Church. It was a first for me because the two of them saw each other before the wedding. We met up in the morning and I photographed them seeing each other for the first time. It was such a sweet moment!

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Here is Jill walking to go into the church to see Tim. You can see her sister hiding out behind her if you look close :-)
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I was crying watching them see one another. Talk about a precious moment.
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One again... tears! I was crying watching them pray together. What a sweet time.
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We jumped in the car and headed off site to do some pictures of the two of them. We had a great time!
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I loved the colors!!! It was such a beautiful wedding.
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The guys all have a love for Dr. Pepper and so they each had one... We thought it would be fun to shake them up a little so that when they opened them we would get a cool shot... so, we maybe should have thought of that before. Tim's brother got Dr. Pepper on his suit. OOPS
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Jill is one of 7 kids. HOW COOL IS THAT?
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Here she is in the middle of all of her siblings. She is the first to get married of the group.
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This is Tim's family. He is one of 4 boys. His brothers are CRAZY FUN!
I mean COME ON... it doesn't get any cuter than this!
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Tim's dad and Jill's dad both did the service. What a special service.
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Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Tullis! It was a wonderful day!

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